Membership Types

Ordinary Membership

The following persons shall be eligible as Ordinary members:

  • All current and retired employees of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries.
  • Ordinary Members who, on retirement or resignation, have subscribed to the club for a period of not less than three years.
  • Board Members of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited.
  • The number of ordinary members is unlimited.

If you would like to become a member, please fill out the membership application form (Doc# 566376), payroll deduction form (Doc# 1398106) and return it to Payroll who will deduct the subscription of $1.50 weekly or $3.00 fortnightly.


Board members and Retirees will need to pay a yearly subscription of $78.00 in advance, due February 1 each year.



All Financial Ordinary Members are automatically placed into the weekly Members Draw.

Life Membership

On the recommendation of the Management Committee, Life Membership, exempt from payment of subscriptions, may be conferred by resolution passed at a General Meeting on any Ordinary Member or qualified person who has rendered special service to the Club, provided that notice to move such resolution shall have been given with the Notice of Meeting. Unless two-thirds of the Members present and voting at the meeting at which it is proposed, shall vote in favour.

  • Life Members shall be entitled to the same privileges and shall be bound by the rules of the Club in the same manner as Ordinary Members.
  • Life Membership shall be limited to one twentieth of Ordinary Membership.
All current Life Members are automatically placed into the weekly Members Draw.

Honorary Membership

The following persons may be eligible as Honorary Members:

  • Ordinary Members who, on retirement or resignation, have subscribed to the Club for a period of not less than 3 years.
  • Ordinary Members who, in the opinion of the Management Committee, has rendered special service to the Club that his/her retention as an Honorary Member is in the best interest of the Club.
  • The Management Committee may at its sole discretion, grant Honorary Membership to any persons who in the opinion of the Management Committee has supported the Club regularly as a guest and does not qualify for any other type of Membership. The maximum number of such Members shall be limited to one twentieth of Ordinary Members.
  • Honorary Members shall not have the rights and privileges as Ordinary or Life Members and shall be bound by the rules of the Club in the same manner as Ordinary Members.
  • All contractors and subcontractors hired by the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited for a period in excess of three months and bound by the terms and for the period of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited contract.
  • Granting of such Honorary Membership, together with the name and address of the Honorary Member, shall be duly entered in a register kept by the Club Secretary; however, the Management Committee may revoke Honorary Membership at any time without assigning any reason for the same.

Honorary Membership shall be limited to 500.


Honorary Members are not eligible for the Members Draw.

Associate Membership

The following persons shall be eligible as Associate Members:

  • The Wife or Husband, Brother or Sister, Mother or Father, Son or Daughter and De-facto partners of Ordinary and Life Members, excluding minors.
  • Associate Members shall not have the rights and privileges as Ordinary or Life Members and shall be bound by the rules of the Club in the same manner as Ordinary Members.

Associate membership shall be limited to 500.

Associate  Members are not eligible for the Members Draw.